About Intelligame

Intelligame Month Two is On the Way

We’re walking into the second full month of Intelligame, so let’s make like any good one-month anniversary and talk about the future.

Welcome to November, home of Thanksgiving, National Novel Writing Month, and the place where Intelligame starts to grow from a soft-launch to a full-fledged medium-ish launch! That’s right; there’s plenty planned for the next couple of months here, and though we’re not at full visibility yet, there are plenty of plans in the works to make Intelligame more comprehensive, dynamic, and another exciting buzzword that’ll get you pumped.

Really though, I’m excited. I hope you are, too.


The Current State of the IntelliUnion

For the last 30-some days, Intelligame has been in soft-launch status: shared on very limited social media channels, experimenting with different types of content and various posting times. To the folks who’ve read the posts, commented, tested various parts of the site, and submitted feedback, I want to say thank you; it means a lot to know that you care enough to help this grow.

If you’re reading this, then you know that the main site,, is live and has multiple posts from this past month. We’ve covered topics ranging from the psychology of fighting games to the intriguing stories found in the Halo universe. We’ve even gotten a bit meta and talked about possible mental trickery at work in a new free-to-play board game and some responsibility of game journalism itself. As we go forward, we’ll continue to write about gaming in its many forms: video, card, board, and more, diving deep in to how these experiences are important to us as individuals and as a society.

If you don’t have Intelligame set to automatically open when you open your browser (though I’d love it if you did), we’re also on Facebook and Twitter. The Facebook page has grown shockingly fast for the amount of time its been live, and though our Twitter is in its infancy, we’ve got plans to make it grow just as quickly. A quick Like or Follow on either one would be awesome if you haven’t done so already!


The Future of the IntelliUnion

So, here’s a breakdown of some of the things we’ll be looking to try over the next 30 days:

That’s just a bit of what’s to come, but that’s plenty for the time being. If you have certain games you’d like to see covered, types of content you’d like to see created, or any other type of feedback, feel free to leave it in the comments or email me directly at josh at intelligame dot us.

Thanks so much for the support, everyone; looking forward to seeing more of you in November!


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