I’ve only caught one Pokémon, and not just due to server issues.
I caught my first Pokémon late last night, after marching in the wake of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile’s shootings and learning about the attack in Dallas.
On Games and Guns
When you’re at a convention full of games that revolve around guns and violence, real-life gun violence makes you pause.
Call of Duty’s “No Russian” is more than “shooting up an airport.”
Intelligame’s founding premise is that we shouldn’t fear taking gaming seriously. Perhaps that’s why Kotaku’s recent article about the “No Russian” mission in Modern Warfare 2 bothers me…or, more specifically, its title.
Does Violence Need to Be Our Default Response in Gaming?
I’ve been thinking a lot about violence in gaming lately, about conflict and the tools we use to resolve it, violent or otherwise.